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The Masterpiece

Modern advances in the construction industry have seen the introduction of various materials for the floor. These include wood, tiles, cement, terrazzo among others. Let’s take the case of tiles. Ever observed how the builder puts different tiles in different parts of the house based on the use for that room?

For floors outside where the weather is harsh and its vagaries plentiful, the builder chooses those that can stand that harsh environment. They may not be as bright and colorful as those inside the house but they sure can stand a storm. Some humans are like those tiles. They may not have dazzling smiles or win a beauty contest but they are good, loyal, reliable humans with a heart of gold and can stand with you through thick or thin. They have truly beautiful souls.

More delicate tiles are laid inside the building but even those are differentiated further. Sturdier tiles for high traffic areas, non-slip ones for the bathroom, and glazed ones on the walls. So are we. Some know how to show kindness, others are generous while others hold your hand in the tough times. All in all, each of us carries within us a divine purpose for which we were made.

The same builder uses different strengths of metal rods for the columns in a storied house compared to a non-storied house. This is to ensure that the columns can bear the weight of the house. Bigger houses with more floors require stronger columns. For the task that the Creator has allotted us, He gives an equal measure of strength to get it done. Never too little or too much: just the right strength.

The Lord made each of us a masterpiece. Ever noticed how a shop owner displays their best pieces at the storefront? … that may explain why the world is round. So that He can flaunt all His masterpieces. Time to step out and shine. Not like any other person but in our unique ways may each of us put forth our best: knowing we have what it takes, we are where we should be and we are masterpieces!