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A head full of beautiful, long, dark hair

A big smile and a frown that can scare a lion

Yet a big heart that loves unconditionally

One strong enough to hold loved ones as they cry

Mama-you are the queen of my life.

As I turned in your womb, little and helpless

You nourished me, taking me with you wherever you went

You sang to me, songs that made me leap with joy

You spoke loving words to me that caressed my heart

Mama-you are the queen of my life

Born-day came and the labor pains tore you apart

The pain, the anguish and suffering you endured

Though weary you took a deep breath, one final push and I arrived

Dirty, hungry, irritable and scared I landed screaming

Despite the weariness you took and fed me

Mama-you are the queen of my life

Little and helpless I lay on my bed every day

You fed me, cleaned me, clothed me and held me

While others slept you watched over me all night long

While others ate you fed me and ensured I was full

Mama-you are the queen of my life

I never knew the sleeves, front or back but you taught me

I did’t know a word or how to walk, you helped me learn

From you I learnt to stand for the truth, to love and to share

I learnt to believe, to have hope and to work hard

Mama-you are the queen of my life

Many are the sleepless nights I was unwell

Though the tired days you provided all I needed

The scars on your hands a testimony of the loving meals you made

The scars in your heart that arose as you stood up for me

Mama-you are the queen of my life

I made you cry in my moments of weakness and arrogance

I dashed your hopes in my moments of failure and carelessness

I bruised your heart with my sharp words and actions

But you still embraced me with open loving arms when I was low

Mama-you are the queen of my life

Words cannot describe what you mean to me

Nothing I will ever do will take away those scars

I can get you the sun, the moon and the stars

But they still won’t be enough to say ‘Thank you’

Mama-you are the queen of my life

I will always love and treasure you dear mum

How I wish I could stand by you and care for you

How I wish I could hold you again when you cannot stand

You may be gone but, in my heart, you remain

My love, my hero, the queen of my life.

Thank you Mum!