You are currently viewing IMPORTANCE OF TREES
The beautiful Karura Forest in Nairobi


Trees are vital to the environment. They purify the air we breathe and give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us with materials like wood which is used in making paper, furniture and other things. Forests are a home to our wildlife. Trees basically keep us alive.

Many organizations are trying to encourage people to plant trees are stop deforestation. Deforestation is cutting down of trees. Deforestation can lead to a lot of problems like the emission of greenhouse gases into the air which leads to global warming and ozone depletion. Deforestation also causes soil erosion which leads to flooding and by cutting down trees animals that lived in those forests won’t have a place to live and food to eat which can lead to animal extinction.

Did you know that according to the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), Kenya has a forest cover of 7.4%? The target was 10% forest cover by 2022. We are still trying to achieve that goal. You can help us achieve that goal by planting a tree! You may not plant a whole forest, but small things can make a difference too! Growing a tree costs Kenya Shillings 450 (4.5 USD). Your tree will planted and taken care of till maturity. Contribute today to growing trees and make a difference! 😊

In association with Friends of Karura forest, I am raising awareness on the importance of trees and encouraging us all to help increase our forest cover by planting 1,000 trees this November. Contribute towards growing trees though our M-Changa fundraiser on Share this fundraising link with friends and family and let’s make Nairobi green again!

The Friends of Karura is a Community Forest Association comprising Kenyans and other champions of participatory forest management who are dedicated in particular to protecting for future generations the city’s largest green area, the Karura Forest Reserve. 

Article written by Samantha: a girl passionately appealing to us to take care of our environment and halt global warming!