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Many times, I have heard the phrase that we are the product of our past: the choices we made, the people and experiences we encountered and the social construct around which we grew. This is largely true, but we end the conversation before it is truly over. Whereas what we are now may be a consequence of the sum total of all that our past is, it does not have to remain that way. We can have a different ending. The story can get better. We just need to make the shifts now and believe in the good that is to come.

Who has a past? Because I do. Even the Bible says: all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. That includes you and me. Even our parents too had a past. Some fought, some divorced, some were thieves, others were murderers and others still outright failures by society’s standard. Not infrequently it was said we would turn out just like that. In any case, orange trees produce oranges, never mangoes. While that is true, again it is a half-truth. Isaiah 43:19 says “Behold I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” God is actually completing the half truth for us, that He is in the business of making all things new.

In addition, He will not just make them new, He will make them special. He will change the script. His ways are not our ways, neither His thoughts our thoughts. No wonder He will do what we deem impossible, including bringing forth mangoes (me) from briars and barbs (my past). He will make springs of water burst forth in desert lands. We cannot therefore be stuck in the past, or in our failure. It does not define us. We are not a mistake. We instead let go and let God take the wheel and He will lead us to a place of quiet peace and rest, abundant grace and love. He will lead us beside the still waters.

What story do we wish to change in our life? Take the first step of faith to believing it is possible, and begin living as if it has truly happened. As our Father, God withholds no good thing from us. Yet again we are reminded that we do not have because we do not ask, and we do not ask because we do not believe. Sometimes we ask and fear that it will not come to pass. That too takes away the answer to our prayers. May we ask and believe, and with a grateful heart give thanks to God because it will come to pass.