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What is the Healing Touch?

What is the Healing Touch?

We are going through situations in our relationships that we are not sure if they should be as they are. We are not sure if we are too sensitive or are exaggerating the whole issue but something does not feel right.

We are here to process through those feelings. To identify what is true and what is not. To determine if we are truly living the lives we are meant to live, to identify how we can make our relationships deeper and more meaningful, to identify any abuse we may be going through and figure out how to protect ourselves and our loved ones, to determine what needs to remain in the past, what we need to let go of and where we need to forgive. We are here to heal.

We are here to support one another through this journey. It is not easy. It will hurt. It will open up old wounds and they will fester again. But it is for good because at the end we will truly heal. We will be stronger and more beautiful; from the inside out.

Am I Experiencing Abuse?

What are the characteristics of persons who experience abuse?

What are the characteristics of people who abuse others?

We are not abused people! We experienced abuse. We are beautiful, whole, talented, strong and capable. We are fearfully and wonderfully made; vessels of gold and silver in the potter’s hand. Amazing creatures.

There is nothing typical about a person experiencing abuse, except for the abuse itself. Remember: What you are experiencing has nothing to do with who you are.


Write down any stereotypes people hold about abused or “battered” men/women.


Would you define yourself in terms of these stereotypes? Of course not. None of us would. Thankfully, not one of them is true. There is only one thing that men/women who are experiencing abuse have in common: They are being abused by their partners.

Another misconception is that abuse means physical violence. Many people feel that because their partner doesn’t hit, push, or in any way physically hurt them, they are not being abused. Abuse takes many forms. You may well be experiencing emotional, physical, financial, or sexual abuse from your partner.

May the tools here help to bring clarity to your situation and support your decisions as you move forward.