About Us

Hello. Welcome to MindMarina; an amazing resource for those who wish to find and live their life purpose in a fun and fruitful way.

This site is inspired by the quest of a girl we named Bella. A girl who travels the path of life in search for purpose. One who came to a point in life when she either changed and thrived or remained the same and broke down. She knew she had the potential to be much more than she was at the time. Unfortunately, she did not know how to go about it. Even though all around her screamed at her to stop, she chose not to. She longed for more. She wanted better and knew she deserved it. She groped and fumbled along; her gaze fixed in the distant horizon searching intently for something she did not even know how it looked. Along the path were many who had given up, who chose to camp where they were and let the days of their lives ebb slowly away. Then they would fade to oblivion and be forgotten. This is not what she wanted. She was a legacy, a bright star that shone on even when the clouds seemed to cover its light. She chose to turn on her inner light and do what she did best: shine on.

Bella embarked on a journey to find this elusive thing called purpose. Fixing her eyes on the distant horizon she trod on. She strived and reached out and did not seem to arrive. The journey seemed long, tortuous and sometimes dark and scary. As time went by, she looked around and saw how rich the path she trod was: filled with so much grandeur and rare beauty. There were beautiful rainbows and breathtaking sunsets, rose gardens as well as lush green hills. Things she had not seen because she forgot to look where she walked.

She also realized that she was not alone but that on the same path were many more who like her sojourned to find their purpose; who had made a choice to be better. They held hands and travelled together; pausing to smell the flowers and chase the butterflies on the way. Sometimes they rested for a few days to let the storm pass but resumed their journey shortly thereafter.

There were days Bella could not bring herself to continue but those with her urged her on and held her hand to keep her going. She too urged them on when their energy was low. The journey now seemed easier and more interesting. She had not yet found what she sought but she had realized that it was not just about the destination: the journey too mattered.

Have you ever come to a point in life when you do not like how your past has been? Where you have dreams for a beautiful future and are either too scared, confused or uncertain how to make that dream life a reality? Do you need a turnaround in your life? Whereas hard work and commitment are critical for us to realize our dreams, they can soon turn to painful and dreary tasks that leave us feeling worn. If change takes but a little longer, we could end up disillusioned and discouraged.

To strike a balance between work and play becomes critical in our pursuit of purpose. Finding the time and opportunity to rest and recover, while creating reserves for the next mile will result in a memorable life journey that we will be proud to look back at. It will propel us to the ultimate realization of our purpose while creating a legacy that will live on long after we are gone from this world. This is what MindMarina aspires to do: infuse our life with passion, purpose and fun!